Best treatment for epileptic fits in madurai

Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness.

Anyone can develop epilepsy. Epilepsy affects both males and females of all races, ethnic backgrounds and ages.Seizure symptoms can vary widely. Some people with epilepsy simply stare blankly for a few seconds during a seizure, while others repeatedly twitch their arms or legs. Having a single seizure doesn’t heip in diagnosing epilepsy. At least two unprovoked seizures are generally required for an epilepsy diagnosis.


Because epilepsy is caused by abnormal activity in the brain, seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates. Seizure signs and symptoms may include:

  • Temporary confusion
  • A staring spell
  • Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
  • Loss of consciousness or awareness
  • Psychic symptoms such as fear, anxiety or deja vu

Focal seizures

When seizures appear to result from abnormal activity in just one area of your brain, they’re called focal (partial) seizures. These seizures fall into two categories:

  • Focal seizures without loss of consciousness. Once called simple partial seizures, these seizures don’t cause a loss of consciousness. They may alter emotions or change the way things look, smell, feel, taste or sound. .
  • Focal seizures with impaired awareness. Once called complex partial seizures, these seizures involve a change or loss of consciousness or awareness.

Generalized seizures

Seizures that appear to involve all areas of the brain are called generalized seizures. Six types of generalized seizures exist.

  • Absence seizures. Absence seizures, previously known as petit mal seizures, often occur in children and are characterized by staring into space or subtle body movements such as eye blinking or lip smacking. These seizures may occur in clusters and cause a brief loss of awareness.
  • Tonic seizures. Tonic seizures cause stiffening of your muscles. These seizures usually affect muscles in your back, arms and legs and may cause you to fall to the ground.
  • Atonic seizures. Atonic seizures, also known as drop seizures, cause a loss of muscle control, which may cause you to suddenly collapse or fall down.
  • Clonic seizures. Clonic seizures are associated with repeated or rhythmic, jerking muscle movements. These seizures usually affect the neck, face and arms.
  • Myoclonic seizures. Myoclonic seizures usually appear as sudden brief jerks or twitches of your arms and legs.
  • Tonic-clonic seizures. Tonic-clonic seizures, previously known as grand mal seizures, are the most dramatic type of epileptic seizure and can cause an abrupt loss of consciousness, body stiffening and shaking, and sometimes loss of bladder control or biting tongue

Traditional view:

In Ayurveda, Epilepsy is called Apasmara where“Apa” means loss, and “Smara” means consciousness. So, Epilepsy is a disease that results in seizures associated with loss of consciousness Ayurvedic treatment focuses on the individual rather than just on their condition. According to Ayurveda, the same type of disturbance can result in different disorders, whereas the same disorder can result from different forms of disturbances/imbalances. Ayurvedic medicine seeks to treat epilepsy by unblocking the channels of the heart and the mind that may be clogged by the excess of doshas or humors. This opening of the channels is practiced using various concoctions and purgatives. The drugs to be taken orally are cooked with oils and ghee (purified butter) and, in addition, external oil applications, massages, and baths are also part of the treatment.

At Haridra we treat epilepsy with the help of traditionally prepared ayurveda and siddha medicines. Apart from medicines yoga, lifestyle modifications and diet are also advised.

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